Logotype firmy Sparta Loyalty




75 locations

Sparta Loyalty Platform, Sparta Gift Cards, Sparta Consulting



75 locations

Sparta Loyalty Platform, Sparta Gift Cards, Sparta Consulting

A few words
about the client
Szachownica is a nationwide network of clothing stores. Szachownica stores are located in the most popular shopping malls and arcades throughout Poland.
Main benefits
of the program

Extensive program database (personal and transaction data), personalized communication (program website, e-mail, SMS), detailed process reporting, product category promotion management, apparel network customer lifecycle management. The program in the omnichannel model – working in both physical and online stores.

of the program
Szachomat loyalty program, different promotions for selected product groups are offered each week. For purchases, the participant receives a virtual currency, which they can spend on subsequent purchases.
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Discover how Sparta Loyalty can elevate
your loyalty program.

Discover how Sparta Loyalty can elevate your loyalty program.

Which product are you interested in? *

I agree to receiving information about the offers by e-mail, sms, phone call. I realize that I may cancel my agreement at any moment with no influence over data processing which took place so far. For more information see privacy policy.

Zamów demo!

Sprawdź, jak Sparta Loyalty może ulepszyć
Twój program lojalnościowy.

Sprawdź, jak Sparta Loyalty może ulepszyć Twój program lojalnościowy.

Który produkt Cię interesuje? *

Wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie informacji o ofertach drogą e-mailową, smsową, telefoniczną. Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że w każdej chwili mogę odstąpić od umowy bez wpływu na dotychczasowe przetwarzanie danych. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w polityce prywatności.