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What do mobile app and CMS have to offer?


Loyalty in your customer’s hand

Empower customers with direct program access, enabling them to manage accounts, track rewards, and engage with your brand effortlessly, eliminating the hassle of complex logins and email searches. With mobile apps, hyper-personalization becomes a reality, harnessing user data to finely tune promotions, rewards, and communications for a precise fit, fortifying the emotional connection with your brand. Designed for mobile devices, these apps provide an intuitive, streamlined interface that enhances the user experience, simplifying navigation within your loyalty program and ultimately driving greater participation and satisfaction.


Push messages

Create, customize, and deploy real-time push notifications that are perfectly tailored to your customers. Whether you want to promote a flash sale, deliver a personalized offer, or alert customers about their rewards, push notifications provide an instant, direct line of communication. This immediacy boosts customer engagement and directs traffic to your physical or online store, resulting in increased footfall and online activity


Wallet pass - virtual cards and coupons

Engage program participants with customizable virtual cards and coupons for iOS/Android systems, enhancing convenience by enabling them to access these digital assets via email and adding them to their phone’s wallet. The versatile wizard allows detailed adjustments, including layout editing, color customization, logo incorporation, and the addition of various fields like card numbers, names, balances, text, and codes, while beacons facilitate location-based triggering for displaying the assigned pass on the locked screen when participants are in proximity.



CMS provides customers with detailed program information, sign-up options, point tracking, and reward redemption. It offers complete control over content updates, ensuring your site remains fresh and relevant, while responsive design guarantees a consistent experience across devices. Implementing SEO strategies for better search engine visibility, interactive features for customer engagement, and strong security measures further enhance the program’s online presence. Seamless integration with other digital platforms ensures a cohesive brand experience for customers.


Net Promoter Score

Unlock NPS Potential: Net Promoter Score (NPS) offers profound insights beyond satisfaction, emphasizing loyalty and advocacy. With the capability to create and distribute NPS surveys, the platform provides actionable feedback, enabling you to address Detractors’ concerns, engage Promoters for advocacy, and monitor score fluctuations. Utilize NPS analytics to gain valuable insights into customer sentiments, fostering a customer-centric approach and driving innovation.


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your loyalty program.

Discover how Sparta Loyalty can elevate your loyalty program.

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Wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie informacji o ofertach drogą e-mailową, smsową, telefoniczną. Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że w każdej chwili mogę odstąpić od umowy bez wpływu na dotychczasowe przetwarzanie danych. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w polityce prywatności.