Logotype firmy Sparta Loyalty

Loyalty Management​

Sparta Loyalty platform is a comprehensive marketing system providing support for a variety of loyalty initiatives. Discover the power of effective loyalty management for your business with a loyalty management module.


What does the loyalty management module offer?

Customer Data Platform

Gain access to versatile customer enrollment options and multiple member identification methods, but also in-depth customer insight, and surveys, which will allow you to gain a deeper and better understanding of your client base.


Loyalty Promotion Platform

Efficiently manage point accumulation and redemption, customize the point-earning process with engaging gamification, and seamlessly integrate your mobile app for valuable data collection. Plus, establish effective member communication and create convenient wallet passes.


Targeted Couponing​

Create and manage a diverse array of coupons, orchestrating their activation and distribution through multiple channels and various locations. Our comprehensive suite of tools empowers you to leverage every facet of coupon management for optimal results.


Marketing Campaigns​

A campaign is defined as a sequence of marketing actions, such as point promotions, rebates, and coupons, coupled with targeted marketing communications. Engage customers through various channels like email, push notifications, SMS, and more with our comprehensive campaign management module. The platform’s flexibility empowers you to adjust actions based on ongoing campaign analysis, effectively shaping customer behavior.


Marketing Analytics​

Oversee the performance of your loyalty program using the comprehensive marketing analytics module. This all-in-one solution offers a wealth of essential KPIs and dashboards, allowing you to gain deep insights into program success and member behavior. With data organized and grouped by various criteria, you can keep a close watch on every aspect of your program’s performance.


Mobile App and CMS

Request a mobile application, and we’ll provide an independent iOS and Android version of the Customer Web Portal. With our mobile application, customers can effortlessly check their account balance, review transaction history, peruse the reward catalog, place reward orders, access marketing communications, update personal information, engage in surveys, view presented coupons, and manage their passwords.


Net Promoter Score

Unlock NPS Potential: Net Promoter Score (NPS) offers profound insights beyond satisfaction, emphasizing loyalty and advocacy. With the capability to create and distribute NPS surveys, the platform provides actionable feedback, enabling you to address Detractors’ concerns, engage Promoters for advocacy, and monitor score fluctuations. Utilize NPS analytics to gain valuable insights into customer sentiments, fostering a customer-centric approach and driving innovation.


Recommendation Engine

Enhance customer engagement by tailoring product recommendations to their preferences and shopping history. The system can recommend trending products, personalize top choices for each customer, and offer rule-based suggestions, such as proposing product X when a customer purchases product Y. It can also identify products often bought together over multiple transactions.


Book Your Demo!

Discover how Sparta Loyalty can elevate
your loyalty program.

Discover how Sparta Loyalty can elevate your loyalty program.

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Twój program lojalnościowy.

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Wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie informacji o ofertach drogą e-mailową, smsową, telefoniczną. Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że w każdej chwili mogę odstąpić od umowy bez wpływu na dotychczasowe przetwarzanie danych. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w polityce prywatności.