14th Edition January 2024

🌍 Navigating the Loyalty Landscape: 2024 Global Trends Unveiled 🚀 🔗LINK Greetings, esteemed colleagues and industry enthusiasts! In 2023, we embarked on an unparalleled journey, dissecting consumer
Sparta Loyalty and Loyalty Programs: The Complete Masterclass

🎉 Sparta Loyalty Joins as Key Sponsor for the Loyalty Programs MasterClass! We are thrilled to announce that Sparta Loyalty is onboard as a sponsor for the upcoming
December Newsletter 13th Edition 2023

The December Newsletter is here!! ❄️ 🔗 LINK We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest E-Book for 2024: “Unlocking the Power of Gift
Unlocking the Power of Gift Cards: A Comprehensive Primer for Implementation

IT IS HERE! 🎉🚨 Sparta Loyalty is thrilled to announce the release of our latest E-Book for 2024: “Unlocking the Power of Gift Cards: A Comprehensive Primer
November Newsletter 2023 12th Edition

HOT OFF THE PRESS🔥 It is a little late this month, but we were cooking you up the best! November Newsletter 🗞️ Follow the link
Gift Card Programs as Strategic Revenue Drivers: A Comprehensive Business Analysis

In the dynamic realm of retail, strategic initiatives are imperative to not only survive but thrive. Gift card programs have emerged as formidable tools, seamlessly integrating into
October Newsletter Sparta Loyalty 11th Edition

Sparta Loyalty at The Big Handshake: Insights from Amsterdam!🇳🇱 🔗 Link here! At The BIG Handshake (TBH) event in Amsterdam, we immersed ourselves in the world of loyalty, marketing, and
Sparta Loyalty, the Gold Sponsor of The BIG Handshake – Industry Leaders Meeting in Amsterdam

On October 16th and 17th, in the capital of the Netherlands, The BIG Handshake event will take place. It brings together industry leaders, experts, and
Sparta Loyalty Presents Net Promoter Score (NPS)

📊 On a scale from 1 to 10, how much would you like to keep your product relevant? 📊 We’ve all encountered this question at least